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  • D)The Gimli Huldufolk and the Elephant Stone -Book 3




    Exert from the forward of “The Elephant Stone by
    Linda Roger’s – Author, Illustrator, Poet Laureate

    Kathleen Arnason‘s skilfully woven tales delivers us to truths that should be self evident but as history with it stopped being his and her story has shown us, needs to be rediscovered in fresh narratives that enlighten successive generations.

    This is a story for all ages, a metaphorical family board game with a dazzling cast of characters, searching for the Commonwealth the treasure is it binds us not just to each other, but to every living thing.

    Arnason‘s feminist warrior Morrigan carries our colours into battle. Morrigan is no Lois Lane trailing off after her transformative boyfriend. She is a warrior of direct experience having lived on both sides of the light and the dark. Morrigan is raven her white feathers peace, the highest power of good, her black feathers, wisdom like the female elders of indigenous communities. She has flown close to the sun, and her singing and transformation of signal the re-establishment of the matriarchy harmony between the many layers of being in the Huldufolk and faerie realms.

    Love delivered, Hantzel and Gretel, who left a trail of petrifying cookies (stones) on the path to the forest hut of the wicked witch. Another shattered paradigm in Arnason’s conclusion, surprise: evil is not a conventional female, archetype the dark door we discovered in Genesis, but the absence of light), and it will guide the transformed Morrigan and her band of Faeries.

    They will follow the Stone spells through Seven Sacred Portals to rescue the Elephant Stone to deliver them from the forces of darkness, just as raven stole the heavenly light for her people as they stand in the circle, forever, gazing with wonder at the sky it only takes a glimpse to break the spell. This Trilogy is a glimpse into that possibility.