Kathleen Arnason

A Personal message from Kathleen
Story is a huge passion of mine! I started writing for my children in 1985 to capture the stories created by their beautiful, innocent, curious minds, while they played. I became the observer, the audience to their lives and life became their stage. I realized in order to write I would have to maintain a level of vulnerability. Capturing stories became an obsession. I was writing stories because I loved to write. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have a Canadian Best Seller ‘The Story of the Gimli Huldufolk.’
As of 2018 I celebrate my 25th year of being a published author.
As I reflect on the body of work I created I am overwhelmed. I have always felt freedom to be myself. Myself is somewhat stubborn or as I prefer to call it patient. I am perfectly flawed in ways I have no desire to change. I have managed the obstacle of doubt and through my tenacity I have built the courage to be wrong.
My sons have always been my inspiration and the best listeners I could ever find. I have learned through story, language and children how simple life is. How we complicate it depends on the stories we tell ourselves and others.
In supporting children to create stories I deliver creative writing workshops in schools, I encourage children to write stories about what they know, experiences they have had or what they can imagine. The same advice goes for adults.
In 2000 I attended a workshop in Montreal lead by Mr. Jim Lord. This workshop changed my life. It was based on the ‘Appreciative Inquiry‘ philosophy. Jim took it one step further. We learned the mining of language, looking for the gold, digging deep to support a person, company or organization’s strength. By using this method of communication I learned how powerful and empowering remembering and telling a positive story is to the future. It was after working with Jim my work as a listener really began.
In 2012 I went on a walkabout that changed my life. I walked The Camino du Santiago in Spain – it is amazing what a long walk can do for a person ❤️
Kathleen recieving the recipient of The Queen’s Jubilee Medal – presented for her work in Arts and Culture

Short Bio for Kathleen Arnason

Kathleen Arnason is a Canadian author, poet, and arts and culture advocate, known for her work in Manitoba and British Columbia. She received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for her contributions to the arts and culture community,The City of Victoria Hospitality Award and co-produced the Sheringham Lighthouse School Project that received a Honours Award from INTO- International National Trust Organization.
Arnason is the author of numerous published books, including “The Gimli Huldufolk” and “The Gimli Huldufolk Trilogy,” a series that blends Icelandic folklore with contemporary fantasy. She is also the founder of the Prairie Ocean Centre of the Arts and producer of “The Voice of the Lake.” In addition, she worked on a national project of peace called the “Fountain of Peace.”
Arnason’s work focuses on poetry and story adaptation, integration, and migration. She is currently teaching creative writing workshops at elementary schools on Vancouver Island.
Overall, Kathleen Arnason is a highly regarded Canadian author and advocate for arts and culture, whose imaginative writing and dedication to promoting the arts has earned her a reputation as a gifted writer and community leader.